Deep in the soil of the ruins of the once-magical city of Ani (the millennial capital of Armenia)  a plate dating from the 11th century was found, it depicts a woman holding a mirror to her chest. Her expression is one satisfaction of contentness.

She has looked into the mirror and it has made her niether arrogant, nor self conscious instead she radiates a state of of knowing of herself and of what the mirror has shown her, intution flows through her and is chanelled in the surface of this object which reveals reflections of that which cannot be seen to others.


A gleaming city we are all within it’s walls, the walls made of a glistening substance in which we can see ourselves, our others and those before us.We each take an obsidian ball, an onyx cup, a flaxen shroud. A web woven adventure of ritual and everyday.

Blue and Corinne are connected by a shared network of friends, and ancestry that meets somewhere in the Black Sea amongst many other
things less tangible than these. Their love of clay and belief in the practice of modern ritual have provided the starting point for this - a collection of
pieces designed for a contemporary magical practice. These objects have arrived out of conversations about connection, unknowing and mutual
future visions.

The pieces have been made with love and care by Jesus Simonne, an clay artist working with Barro Negro (black clay) in Oaxaca, Mexico with a strong interest in pre-hispanic witchcraft and storytelling. Jesus is part of the Terra Mexico network of Ancestral clay practitioners.

Each set contains
a barro negro Goblet
a barror negro Orb
a ritual shroud of french antique linen

Limited edition of 12
